The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that pre-school students who receive special education services must be provided with a free and appropriate public education in their Least Restrictive Environment. Poquoson City Public Schools continues to offer a program for pre-school students with disabilities in an inclusive environment that includes their typically developing peers. IPOP students are chosen through a lottery system. Additionally, 4-year-old IPOP-VPI students who qualify under the Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) are chosen following a parental application and student screening. Transportation is provided for all IPOP students.
IPOP Students - To qualify for the lottery drawing, your child must be three years of age on the first school day of the year, a Poquoson resident, and toilet trained. Most importantly, you should feel your child demonstrates acceptable behavior from which other preschoolers will learn. Appropriate social behavior is important because your child will serve as a same-aged peer for other participants in the program. IPOP students attend school four or five days per week for three hours per day. The tuition is $500.00 per semester and is due in August and January. If accepted as a three- year old, parents have the option of continuing as a four-year old without having to reapply. The number of slots available is determined by the population of identified students with IEPs that place them in IPOP.
IPOP-VPI – Poquoson City Public Schools and the Virginia Preschool Initiative have joined together to provide pre-school services for a limited number of four-year olds. Eligible children must live in Poquoson and be four years old on September 30th of the school year they would like to attend. Students will be individually screened for academic readiness skills and a limited number of students will be accepted. IPOP- VPI students attend five days per week for three hours per day. There is no tuition. Students are chosen based on academic readiness needs and criteria established by the Virginia Preschool Initiative. Please complete both the application and the student data form linked below to apply.
All IPOP applications for the 2025-2026 school year are currently being accepted by the Office of Student Services. Applications must be completely filled out and returned to Student Services by February 28, 2025.
Paper applications may be mailed to Heather Worthen at 1033 Poquoson Ave, Poquoson, VA 23662 or dropped off at Poquoson Elementary School in the Office of Student Services. Documents can also be emailed to diane.pizzeck@poquoson.k12.va.us
IPOP 2025-2026 Forms (Click on the links below)
- IPOP Digital Application 2025-2026
- IPOP-VPI Application and Student Data Form 2025-2026
- IPOP Transportation Form
IPOP Information (Click on the links below)